Khak e karbala book in urdu pdf
Khak e karbala book in urdu pdf

khak e karbala book in urdu pdf khak e karbala book in urdu pdf

Talib, Your servant, brother of Your messenger in the name of Fatimah, daughter of Your Prophet and wife of Your Your prophet, Your messenger, Your trustee in the name of Amir aI Mumeneen Ali ibn Abi O Allah, in the name of Muhammad, Your servant, Your dearest friend. Ikhlas, Surah al Falaq, Surah al Nas & Ayatal Kursi Surah al Fatihah, Surah Ya Sin, Surah al Qadr, Surah Al Kafirun, Surah al Then lmam also said: When you have picked khak shifa recite: SHIFAA-AN MIN KULLI DAA-IN WA AMNAN MIN KULLI KHAWFIN

khak e karbala book in urdu pdf

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, O Allah I beseech You in the name of this earth, in the name of the angel who has gathered it, in the name of the prophet who made it free from anything impure, in the name of (his) vicegerent who stayed here, send blessings on Muhammad and on his family, and let this earth cure and heal all my ailments and keep me safe from allīISMILLAAHIR RAH'MAANIR RAH'EEM ALLAAHUMMA INNEEĪS-ALUKA BIH'AQQI HAAD'IHIT' T'EENATI WA BI H'AQQI L MALIKI L LAD'EE AKHAD'AHAA WA BIH'AQQIN NABIYYIL LA'DEE TANAZZAHAA WA BI H'AQQIL WAS'IYYIL LAD'EE H'ALLA FEEHAA S'ALLI A'LAA MUH'AMMADIN WA AHLI BAYTIHEE WAJ-A'L LEE FEEHAA Lmam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq said: Before picking khak shifa recite: It is also mentioned in some books that the lmam had said that the earth should not be more than a seed of grain. A'N WA I 'LMAN NAAFI-A'N WA SHIFAA-AN MIN KULLI DAA- IN WA SUQMIN

khak e karbala book in urdu pdf

(mention the name of the disease, then kiss the earth and eat it with some water and continue) MUBAARAKATIZ' Z'AAHIRATI WA RABBAN NOORIL LAD'EE UNZILA FEEHI WA RABBAL JASADIL LAD'EE SAKANA FEEHI WA RABBAL MALAA-IKATIL MUWAKKI LEENA BIHI JA'ALHO O Allah let this pure earth be a source of abundant means of livelihood, useful knowledge and a remedy for all (my) pains andīISMILLAAHI WA BILLAAHI ALLAAHUMMA RABBA HAAD'IHIT TURBATIL (mention the name of the disease, then kiss the earth and eat it with some water and continue), In the name of Allah, for Allah, O Allah, the Lord of this sacred, helpful earth, the Lord of the light which is in it, the Lord of the body which is resting in it, the Lord of the guardian angels, let it cure my disease

Khak e karbala book in urdu pdf